Teenaged Expectation

By Megan Vermeer


We live in a world of expectation

Where old people grow wise with duration

The little ones cute and met with elation

but what about the teens that make up our nation?


“They’re wasting their lives on those silly devices!”

“They’ve no self control, and follow their vices”

“They make rash decisions and won’t think twice”

“When they fail they aren’t willing to pay the price”


All these are thoughts upon teenagers

and some do follow these behaviors

but you can’t paint us all to be failures

When was the last time you were so self sure?


Fact is, we all have the same shortcomings

and to judge a generation is unbecoming

but I will not be looked down up for my age

because feeling unworthy is such a drag!


I am capable of doing so much

I can impact a person with a simple touch

I am able to send out a simple smile

To change someone’s day even if for a little while


I possess the power to change the world!

So don’t tell me no because I am just a young girl

I can conduct myself in a business like manner

and make wise decisions in difficult matters


So to all those kids being told they can’t

all those kids who have their dreams dashed

just know that you CAN through Jesus Christ

and if done through him it can be done right!


By Jessica Wagter

We so fiercely think we can get want we want, when we want it, although this is not how the world works. Each one of us has to work for what we want and be patient for things to come. As most teenagers grow up, we struggle with this. But this does not mean we constantly have to be looked down upon. The world has this teenage expectation that seems to have us looked down upon. We are trying new things, experiencing how the world works, and finding out who we are. We are capable of great things, with Jesus Christ by our side! If one has faith, anything is possible. Faith can move mountains. I hope the teenage expectation can change and teens will stand up for what they believe in — not fall into peer pressure. We are young, but we are BOLD. God calls all his children to be bold.

“On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul.” (Psalm 138:3)

Never be afraid to conquer the devil, because he preys on us everyday and nothing makes God happier than when you stand up against him.

“So place yourselves under God’s authority. Resist the devil, and he will run away from you.” (James 4:7)

There are so many verses in the Bible where God encourages us what to do each day and how to live. Ever heard someone say, “I wish God would just tell me exactly how to live my life, what career I should do, who I should marry, etc..” HE DOES!! He gives us so much advice in the Bible and he is ALWAYS ready to accept your prayers and concerns.

Therefore, you have no excuse to not live for God. Its easy, makes you a happier and better person, and you will receive a great reward in the end when Jesus comes. No one should be looked down upon. Each person has a choice, live for Jesus, its the best choice you could possible make.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12)



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